Thursday 6 February 2020

How can you determine the best time to have Lunch?

Food is the only source of energy for our bodies. And based on our eating habits, our body tends to function accordingly. But eating at any time of the day and night may not result as efficient as eating at a specific time. Further, maintaining a disciplinary eating time can help the food to be digested in the best possible manner and can even help in reducing the waistline and overall weight of the body. Thus, if you are ordering breakfast or order lunch online in Freehold NJ, make sure you remain punctual. 

Well, many of you must be aware of the right time to have your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But if you are not aware or want to know the reasons when to eat and how it is beneficial to eat at a specific time, continue reading the following post. 

Mealtime according to Ayurvedic Approach - According to Ayurveda Agni or the digestive fire that is associated with the Sun, we should emphasize on our eating pattern and the time we eat. As the sun intensity is low during the morning, we must have our breakfast that is light and more of carbs as carbs help in fueling your body in the right way after a long fast. And, as the intensity of the sun is strongest during 12 - 2, we can have a large amount of food to fulfill our daily body nutrients requirements. While at night, the intensity is quite low so you must have your dinner before 8 so that you can get ample time to digest your food. 

The Mediterranean Diet - as the research on taking nutrients is contradictory, we can follow the diet pattern of the cultural tradition of the world’s most healthy populations. This states that the people in the Mediterranean regions of the south in comparison with central and northern Europe 
  • Consume the largest percent of daily calories at lunch and 
  • Snack less. 
When you travel from the north to the European continent, people:
  • Snack more
  • Consume a smaller percent of daily calories at lunch
These are a few concepts that you can keep in mind while determining the time when you should Order Lunch Online in Freehold NJ

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